Residency Program

Each quarter during Fall, Winter & Summer we are joined by a creative person in residence who helps shape the quarterly programming theme while developing a related project of their own.

Past & Current Residents

Winter 2019 – Gloria Galvez
Fall 2018 – Sarita Dougherty
Summer 2018 –Yasmine Diaz
Spring 2018 – iris yirei hu
Spring 2017 – Moozis, Intersectionality NOW, Small Fries, Full Lives Collective
Winter 2016/17 – Carol Zou
Spring 2016 –Void of Course

Winter 2016 – Aryana Ghazi-Hessami
Fall 2015 – Allison Conner

WCCW Residency Details

The goal of the WCCW Residency Program is to bring new voices into the WCCW while supporting people with creative projects that challenge, expand, and deepen the organization’s intersections, topics of focus and  audiences. The resident’s project influences the programming theme for the quarter they are in residence.

Due to the resources and specifications of the space, WCCW residencies are not great for large, physical, studio-type work, or lasting immersive installations. What does work well are projects based around research, developing ideas, programming, or more small-scale studio or computer-based work (think something that could be done at a shared table).

There are three residencies per year, each one quarter long:
Fall (September–November)
Winter (January–March)
Summer (May–July)

WCCW relationships with the resident begin at least one month before the start of the residency to collaborate on and develop the quarter’s themes and some programing in conjunction with WCCW. During their residency, Residents maintain office hours for approximately 1 day per week (can be spread out over multiple days, or take place on evenings or weekends). Residents also sit on the Programming Committee and help select the other programs for the quarter they are in residence.

Residents are awarded a stipend of $1200 per quarter and have access to other WCCW resources as needed to complete their project.

How to submit a Letter of Inquiry for a WCCW Residency

If you are interested in being a WCCW Resident, please submit a letter of inquiry to! Residency LOIs should outline:

  • You, your interests and experience
  • A description/proposal for a single project lasting approximately 3 months that could take place anytime in the next year.