Sunday Feb 19, 1-3pm
Hosted by Cole Kazdin
As artists living in a time of crisis, how do we stay creative, keep writing, and maintain a sense of play? It can feel impossible. In the current climate, it’s easy to feel a sort of “Maslow’s Hierarchy of Crisis” – fears about the future of our country, our bodies, our environment – How can we create during that? But it’s more important than ever.
In this class, we’ll explore practical ways to encourage creativity and discuss how to channel it towards activism. The first hour will be devoted to writing exercises, prompts and discussion to inspire. The second hour is all about action, using writing for activism, the difference between a rant and a story, and how to make your voice heard.
Please bring a laptop or something to write with!
Cole Kazdin is a writer, performer and Emmy-winning journalist. She is a regular contributor for VICE, Broadly, Refinery29, and MEL, and has written for the New York Times’ Modern Love, Salon, Cosmopolitan and featured on NPR. She has produced television for HBO Documentaries, Discover and ABC Network News. She tells stories on The Moth’s mainstage across the country and is featured in their upcoming book, All These Wonders (March, 2017). She teaches writing and storytelling all over the country and lives in Los Angeles.