Spanish Practice: Game & Conversation Night

Tuesday, March 20, 7- 9pm
Hosted by Carla Roda and Kim Flores
30 participants maximum
$5-10 Suggested Donation

“Growing up biracial on the border in New Mexico, Spanish was always spoken around me, even in my own home, but for complicated reasons that many second/third/fourth generation Latinxs understand, I wasn’t taught to speak Spanish fluently. As an adult, I struggle to speak with others, especially native speakers, for complicated cultural reasons. I hope to reach others that struggle with learning and are seeking a safe space to practice and work their way towards fluency.” — Kim

Join us for an interactive Spanish practice night hosted by Spanish instructor Carla Roda and Kim Marie Flores. Have fun while practicing Spanish with conversation prompts and games. This is a beginner / intermediate level course; we will be dividing the class into small groups at beginner and intermediate levels for conversation to make it most beneficial for all participants.
There will be snacks available but feel free to bring snacks and drinks to share. This is a regular space for practicing with native and non-native Spanish speakers. Stay tuned for future classes for more advanced speakers. Any recommendations or thoughts can be emailed to [email protected].

Kim Marie Flores is a Chicana Wardrobe Stylist & Photographer as well as the Editor of Armoire Magazine. For more information about me, visit my publication at / @armoiremagazine or at my personal site / @bootsymarie

Carla Roda was born in Barcelona, Spain and raised by a family of artists. From a young age, she was surrounded by theater and cinema. She has devoted her career to becoming a Producer and Editor not only in Spain, but also internationally – working in France, Canada, Australia, and now the U.S. Since she arrived to Los Angeles four years ago, she has dedicated her free time to teaching Spanish, French, Catalan to different organizations around Los Angeles. Follow @carlaroda