Intro to User Experience Design

Tuesday, December 4, 7-9:30 pm
Hosted by Mapping Feminist LA

In this introductory workshop on Tuesday December 4, we will define and explore User Experience Design. We will walk through its iterative process of research, design, prototyping, building, and testing, in the context of digital design, and specifically, Angelena Atlas. Participants will leave with the tools and references necessary to go forward and practice UX Design. No design experience is required, though a laptop is recommended.

Image design and workshop by @jasminesarp

Mapping Feminist Los Angeles is a volunteer working group with the goal of building a spatial and digital network that recontextualizes Los Angeles neighborhoods through the filter of intersectional feminism online, in print, and in-person.

Our collaborative research project is currently in the process of building crowdsourced maps (both digital + print pieces) to help connect folks to intersectional feminist resources and spaces in LA County.

We aim to represent as many identities, lived experiences, and neighborhoods in LA as possible. Examples of locations we wish to populate our maps with include: anti-racism organizations, medical centers, LGBTQIA+ spaces, indigenous resources, immigration services, low-income and housing resources, ADA-friendly spaces, and more places and people engaged in various anti-oppression work in our city.

Join us at one of our upcoming meetings and in the meantime catch us online at and on Instagram: @angelenaatlas.

Accessibility information for this event: WCCW has a 36” wide ramp at our front entrance and a stairway with 8 steps and a rail. There are 2 gender neutral restrooms. One restroom is wheelchair accessible, with a handrail. We provide scent free soaps and encourage guests to attend our events scent free. If you require ASL interpretation, CART, interpretation for a language other than English, supervised childcare, or have any other access needs or questions, please contact [email protected] at least two weeks in advance. It is our practice to do everything we can to create a safe and accessible space.